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Sugar detox day 4! Morning oats w/ banana, blueberries, seeds, nuts, almond milk and chia seeds... Huge sugar cravings 😿
Day 2/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
Day 2/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
  • annefood You're in the thick of it but I promise it WILL get better if you stick to it. You're doing awesome!
  • DiotimeBoudoussier Thanks @annefood ! This challenge is sooooo hard
  • annefood I know it totally is! Pushing through is the best way to make it easier though. Have you read this article that @Udi posted ?...
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Had a pretty incredible Shabbat on Friday.
Day 7/7: Cook Dinner More Often Level III
Day 7/7: Cook Dinner More Often Level III
Humous, fried eggs and bacon on toast with siracha and salad leaves 👌
Day 2/3: Eat One Bite At A Time Level II
Day 2/3: Eat One Bite At A Time Level II
The best breakfast! Instant seed porridge with 1tsp peanut butter, Greek yoghurt, cinnamon and frozen raspberries 😋👌
Day 1/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
Day 1/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
  • annefood A great one for avoid added sugar too!
  • Brianne I love adding cinnamon and frozen berries to cut back on added sugar as well.
More Moosewood munchies 😊
French fish packet with roasted cauliflower salad
French fish packet with roasted cauliflower salad
Mindfulness is key - to allowing treats without going overboard into a binge!!
Day 2/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
This challenge called out to me!
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a ...
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a bad habit but never enough to change it. At level 4 now , it's not getting easier , but I'm having a...
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Veggies for days.
Juliaehale's post
The Boston Globe - What does that ‘sell by’ date really mean, anyway? - Emily Broad Lieb
Love that Emily is getting more press about sell-by dates & food waste: "Leib says effectively re...
Love that Emily is getting more press about sell-by dates & food waste: "Leib says effectively reducing food waste all comes down to clarity."
43 million gallons of milk have been dumped so far this year : TreeHugger
"Americans cannot consume all the milk being produced, so much of it is going to waste."
"Americans cannot consume all the milk being produced, so much of it is going to waste."
  • annefood So sad. We just launched our No Food Waste Challenge—I hope it calls attention to this problem and helps people develop better habits in their daily lives!
  • AnitaD This is so sad. So many people go hungry and we're just dumping milk like this?