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8 Ways To Get Healthy For Spring!
"The winter season provides plenty of excuses for loosening the reins on exercise and healthy eat...
Coffee’s Invisible Carbon Footprint: All That Milk | TakePart
"Whether you take it black or as a latte makes a big difference in terms of climate change."
DNA rice breakthrough raises 'green revolution' hopes - Business Insider
"Los Baños (Philippines) (AFP) - Rice-growing techniques learned through thousands of years of tr...
A twist on traditional carrot cake. If you think you hate beets, try these.
City of Baltimore
The great FLOTUS food fight
For the first time, the inside story of how Michelle Obama decided to change American nutrition. ...
Highly recommend picking up a copy of Beekman 1802 Almanac if you get a chance. Awesome articles and recipes!
Spring into pesto!
What's your favorite way to pesto?!
Is Organic More Nutritious? New Study Adds To The Evidence : The Salt : NPR
"Organic dairy and meat contain significantly more omega-3s than their conventional counterparts,...
It's a butter tart on steroids! Walnut Cherry Oat Butter Tart pie by Tara O'brady. A keeper ☺️☺️
Sure cranberry sauce goes with turkey dinner. How 'bout cranberries in your pie instead! Cra...
Grand Harbour Condos