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pure food and wine have the best raw mint ice cream sundae. out of this world delicious.
pure food and wine have the best raw mint ice cream sundae. out of this world delicious.
lunch: spiced lentils with peppered baked brussels sprouts and yams
lunch: spiced lentils with peppered baked brussels sprouts and yams
snack time - apple peach sauce
snack time - apple peach sauce
Cured salmon with cucumber yogurt relish. Out of CSA supplies so headed to abc concina for lunch with @Johndcslc. Yummo
Cured salmon with cucumber yogurt relish. Out of CSA supplies so headed to abc concina for lunch ...
Fresh juice makes a great start to the day!
Fresh juice makes a great start to the day!
My lunch is smiling back at me! Nomnomnom!
My lunch is smiling back at me! Nomnomnom!
@Feedback Feeding 5k kicks off! A celebration of ways to reduce food waste
8yr Union Square Park
@sugardetoxme hosts as MC for the day!
@sugardetoxme hosts as MC for the day!
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a f...
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a few nutritious meals, getting your kids into the kitchen and supporting local food, or even advocatin...
  • Brianne School gardens need to be a staple!
  • JamieOliversFoodRevolution @Brianne agree! Some studies have shown that children who grow their own vegetables are five times more likely to eat them.
  • FarmerDave i second more growing! I've seen it in my own community. Kids and even adults who are part of the growing process have a different appreciation for the food they consume. It's like they treasure...
See all 7 comments...
8yr Ladurée
MargaretG's post
Here's what 9,000 years of breeding has done to corn, peaches, and other crops - Vox
"Corn, watermelon, and peaches were unrecognizable 8,000 years ago."
"Corn, watermelon, and peaches were unrecognizable 8,000 years ago."
  • etsummer So interesting, looks like everything was small and hard. We've technically been genetically modifying foods then for thousands of years, no?