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This is what we need to fight pesticides
"The future isn't here in the sense of you getting your own flying car, but at least easy to use ...
"The future isn't here in the sense of you getting your own flying car, but at least easy to use pesticide detectors are on the way."
Vegetarian Diet Hunger, Protein Foods To Curb Appetite
"I would love to go vegetarian, but every time I try cutting meat from my diet, I end up really, ...
"I would love to go vegetarian, but every time I try cutting meat from my diet, I end up really, really, REALLY hungry. What am I doing wrong?"
Healthy Burger !
akash's post
Should the Food Industry Sneak Vegetables Into Food? - The New York Times
Lots of 'processed' food is now getting packed with 'veggie powder' to make it kid-friendly. Parents - is this a good think? Hm...
  • unicornmeat this idea is completely insane! i can't imagine that eating "healthy" pizza will really change something. i'm not a parent, but i would never ever give that to my children, especially when I would...
  • unicornmeat and thank you for sharing sharing this article, it was interesting to read!
Meet registered dietitian Becky Ramsing!
"Becky Ramsing, MPH, RDN is a Senior Program Officer with the Center for a Livable Future at the ...
"Becky Ramsing, MPH, RDN is a Senior Program Officer with the Center for a Livable Future at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her work and interests cover the food system as a w...
Day 1 of 30. Remembering that this is NOT a (temporary or other) diet: it is a focus on healthy habits without deprivation 😇
Day 1/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V
How to speed up your metabolism | Well+Good
"You could be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it."
"You could be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it."
Vegan Taco Bowl
Tempeh, bell pepper, red onion, portobello mushrooms, spinach, brown rice, tomato, avocado, and b...
Tempeh, bell pepper, red onion, portobello mushrooms, spinach, brown rice, tomato, avocado, and black olives {100% organic}
7 Easy Ways To Eat More Vegetables This Week
"Delicious recipes that'll turn anyone into a veggie lover."
"Delicious recipes that'll turn anyone into a veggie lover."
Happy healthy snack!
7yr Ditmas Park
Roasted chickpea snack. Dry roast for 30 minutes at 400°. Toss with salt, curry powder (or whatev...
Roasted chickpea snack. Dry roast for 30 minutes at 400°. Toss with salt, curry powder (or whatever seasonings you prefer) and a teeny scoash of olive oil. Then roast for another 30 minutes. So #cr...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians My favorite snack. I also do his with fava beans
  • annefood Such good crunch. I'll have to try favas @Rachna
  • AMK @Rachna - yes, fava beans! One of my favorites any way they're cooked!