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Love me some avocado toast.
Mocha madness. Was craving an iced coffee but had a fussy baby so decided to blend up my dinner.
#organic #fairtrade banana, spinach, organic cacao, maca root, chia, milled flax, and #fairtrade ...
Indian Take on Chicken & Waffles. Aloo Gobi flavours in 'Fried' Cauliflower on Potato Waffles! Who knew that maple syrup works with curry?!
Memory of The Significance (with a recipe) | ginger & chorizo
A little piece of my memory of London and a Thai Steak Noodles Salad recipe is now online
Love my cast iron grill pan! Testing out a Greek yogurt marinated chicken recipe.
#fairtrade dark chocolate bark with orange zest, almonds, sea salt, and crushed meringue pieces
I ended up feeling like the meringue was too sweet so I just picked it off and fed it to my merin...
Made an Italian roasted beet orzo salad earlier this week. Been having it for lunch everyday - SO yummy.
Oven Fried Chicken recipe |
"A simple combination of flour, seasonings, and butter are all the ingredients you need."
Simple summer salad: arugula dressed in lemon juice + evoo, peach, prosciutto, basil, and shaved Parmesan.
Atlanta, GA
Beating the heat with spice today