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7yr Saronno
Day 5/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV
Day 5/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV
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Vegansk Mat – Over 50 Kjøttfrie Oppskrifter og Middagstips!
7yr Stortinget
"Hva Spiser Egentlig en Veganer? Det er lett å tenke at veganere stort sett bare spiser salat, me...
"Hva Spiser Egentlig en Veganer? Det er lett å tenke at veganere stort sett bare spiser salat, men det er så langt fra sannheten en kan komme. Planteriket er"
7yr Merlott
Does sugar free bubble gum, counts as a candy? Or can I chew a piece some times?
Does sugar free bubble gum, counts as a candy? Or can I chew a piece some times?
  • annefood Great question @anadl ! Gum does count as candy, and is artificially sweetened with chemicals that you ingest as you chew. Seems silly but I found that gum chewing for me was about a habit of...
  • anadl Thank you! It was helpful!!
  • annefood You're welcome!
Protein shake
Hi everybody, quick question. Does the Protein Skake for muscle mass building be considered as sweetened food (which is the case) but so useful after workouts?
  • annefood Great question @johnnyjumper ! No, your protein shake is not considered to be a sweet/dessert, and is allowed on this Challenge. We designed this Challenge to help people get out of the habit of...
  • johnnyjumper Ok interesting. Thanks Anne! I'll try to find a protein shake without any additional sweetener or@make one myself.
How much sugar is too much sugar in a granola bar?
  • annefood Great question @beckys ! There are a few things to consider, so stick with me through this. First, is your granola bar a traditional granola bar with oats, maybe nuts, and some sort of added sugar...
I've made some mistakes, is it still okay?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes of course! If you had a candy or sweet, just use a free pass or a half a pass to keep track. And if you run out of free passes, no worries! You can always start over. The most important thing...
  • annefood @lillady as @Rachna said, don't sweat the mistakes. The beauty of developing healthy habits is that over time you are able to make the healthy choice the norm—what you do about 90% of the time. I'm...
  • meccabrown Absolutely!!! You can't break a life time habit in short time.. focus, plan and work hard!!
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Try Cinnamon in Your Coffee Instead of Cream and Sugar | Greatist
"Here's why you should consider changing up your morning routine."
"Here's why you should consider changing up your morning routine."
  • Bigo I tried cinnamon in my coffee but was very disappointed. However, I used far less than a teaspoon. I'll try again with more cinnamon. :D
  • annefood I'm sorry to hear that @Bigo ! I have not yet had a chance to try. Let me know how it goes with more.
  • cathyG I brew my coffee with cinnamon. I found that adding it to already brewed coffee just added a film, and a bit of a grainy bitter textural experience.
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Coffee Flour, Beer Pizza on Menu as Innovators Fight Food Waste
"As fight against climate change increasingly focuses on food waste as a source of planet-warming...
"As fight against climate change increasingly focuses on food waste as a source of planet-warming emissions, entrepreneurs are coming up with crafty ways to reduce glut of tossed produce"
Yet another research finding!
"Does eating salt actually make you thirsty? Er, nope"
"Does eating salt actually make you thirsty? Er, nope"
The fight for healthy school food can’t afford to take summer vacation.
"Summer break is approaching, but we can’t lose sight of what is happening in our public schools....
"Summer break is approaching, but we can’t lose sight of what is happening in our public schools. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue…"