Miller Place, New York
Cheese tasting on a budget

From your market's cheese section, create a tasting plate from the "odds and ends" bin of small leftover pieces.
I put together this tasting plate of Dutch Goudas all from Uniekass, purchased for...
DietID_TeamDietitians Great idea!!
Brianne I've done this for parties. Even at Eataly they sometimes have small leftover pieces available.
JenniferEmilson Great idea!!
Chicken Caesar Salad

dining al fresco on a gorgeous spring day
Carolina breakfast bowl
Neal's Deli

Adluh stone ground yellow grits (adluh.com) with fresh toppings at Neal's Deli (nealsdeli.com) in Carrboro, NC.
DietID_TeamDietitians The opening of this article is pretty fascinating. I'm sure there are plenty of kosher producers now thinking about sourcing. I came across a halal butcher shop in New York that was interested in...
MargaretG I will check that out! Thanks @Rachna
S'less (or tiny S'mores)

roasting tiny marshmallows for tiny S'mores
Afternoon snack

my daughter made this! green olive tapenade with feta cheese
sugardetoxme Cool. @spreadmmms there is some olive tapenade!
second lunch

Saucisson d'Arles pork sausage from Jacüterie (Jackiscooking LLC, Ancramdale NY) and Nimbus, a new triple cream bloomy rind cheese from Chaseholm Farm Creamery. (Better than leftover burned pizza!)
MargaretG Looks a little better than that pizza!!
DietID_TeamDietitians Seriously! Would much rather eat this than pizza :)
mirasingh Where do you find this cheese?
marinara #pizza #foodfail

DietID_TeamDietitians Aww burnt?
MargaretG So sad!!
jfdouble yes, it was all red when I put it in the oven…