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Cassie, Food-Lover
Zürich, Zürich
About me
From Vermont. Living in Switzerland. I love cooking, eating, traveling, and photographing all of it.
www.cassietillas.jimdo.comI made it 6 days on the The 3 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!

annefood You're doing great @Cassafrass !
I made it 6 days on the The 3 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge!

annefood Keep up the good work @Cassafrass !
"Unique" produce. So much nicer than being called "ugly." Those Swiss are so polite. Although the sign does say "For the freaks of nature." ☺️

DietID_TeamDietitians Where is this?!
sugardetoxme Hahaha. Like the sense of humor
Cassafrass @Rachna In Switzerland. :)
Spinach and artichoke dip. Thank you, Alton Brown! I couldn't care less about the Super Bowl, but I like that these fun "game day" recipes are starting to surface! ☺️🍴 😖🏈

DietID_TeamDietitians =) same! no desire to watch the game, but I love dips!
Cassafrass @Rachna that dip is already gone! 👍🏼👍🏼
Slowly meandered our way through the Trump protesters, then kept our heads down and made no eye contact as we cut through the line of people waiting to get into the Flynn theater for his rally toni...
Pizzeria Verita

DietID_TeamDietitians Haha was it mayhem?! Looks like this pizza was worth it
Cassafrass It was! I'm always up for an adventure. :)