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Learning how to poach eggs! Anyone have tips?
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basi...
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basil (yes the basil is still alive!). Not perfect, but these eggs turned out better than before. I trie...
  • JenniferEmilson Yes- while you are waiting for your water to boil, and then drop to a moderate summer, crack your egg onto a small sieve (like you light use for tea) set over a cup. Let it drain all the loose bits...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Oh wow I was stirring like crazy! I'll try this next time. Thanks!
  • marynfulton2 Add a little vinegar to your water! It helps the egg stay together as well 😊
See all 15 comments...
Is dashi the "new" stock?
Who is a dashi fan? I've never made it, but imagine it would indeed be a great stand-in for veggi...
Who is a dashi fan? I've never made it, but imagine it would indeed be a great stand-in for veggie stock. I always used the box kind (except for Thanksgiving when I make my own) and don't mind it a...
  • Udi What is Dashi?
  • annefood @Udi it's a Japanese broth made from water, kombu (kelp) and bonito flakes (dried tuna). The nice thing is that you can make it without fresh ingredients.
Broil shrimp in the oven for a mess-free meal!
This is a great weeknight dish because it doesn't make a mess and it's pretty fast! Perfect for a...
This is a great weeknight dish because it doesn't make a mess and it's pretty fast! Perfect for a potluck too, as it can be assembled ahead, eaten cold and would transport well. Don't the shrimp an...
Change up your risotto game: Switch out arborio rice for toasted buckwheat! Asparagus Buckwheat Risotto on the blog
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to ...
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to rhubarb and sorrel? It is, in fact, a fruit seed and is a suitable substitute for gr…"
Ganache! Took a great baking class and learned some new tricks!
8yr Buttermilk Bake Shop
MrsXtina's post
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is filled with veggie ends for stock, shrimp peels for bisque, and breadcrumbs! Don't throw out those final...
8yr Grand Harbour Condos
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is fill...