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seasonal butternut squash hash browns | Jackie Newgent
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
I love British scone but it lacks the flakiness of an authentic American buttery biscuit. So why not combine the two? #holidaybaking
6 reasons to stop drinking soda | Beaumont Health Great reasons for ending the need for sofa! And from the hospital in which I work....
Day 9/14: Avoid Soda Level IV
Beaumont Hospital
All of the things on my plate are leftover and come together for a fast, delicious veggie-filled lunch.
Day 17/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Healthy meal
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
Sweetgreen's guacamole greens salad with my guac shoes👍👍👍
Day 1/1: Avoid Added Sugar Level I
Drinking water every time you eat and every time you go to the bathroom helps.
Scrambled 🍳
Sautéed red onion, spinach, heirloom tomatoes, and garlic with farm fresh eggs. Topped with some ...
Got in a cup of blueberries - with no added sugar muesli and a splash of almond milk - for breakfast
Day 1/3: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level I
Grow food, not grass, to fight climate change | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Turning a grassy lawn into a vegetable garden can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,...