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Mysore masala dosa( pancake- creeps)
Breakfast or evening snack
Breakfast or evening snack
  • LDA Looks and sounds yummy! How do you make it? Would love to try it!
Dinner prep in 10 minutes! This veggie-stacked whole wheat pizza is simply perfect for busy nights
I took some short cuts - I used store bought whole wheat pizza dough, had pre-chopped veggies rea...
I took some short cuts - I used store bought whole wheat pizza dough, had pre-chopped veggies ready, and made some fresh tomato sauce that was chilling in the fridge already. All I had to do was st...
Can we create our own challenges?
  • annefood Hey there! You cannot create your own Challenge, but if you have an idea for a Challenge that is not offered, please send me a message! We always love to incorporate user feedback in the creation...
Vegetable Lasagna
I love making veggie lasagna!  Although I normally use ground turkey instead of the mushrooms and...
I love making veggie lasagna! Although I normally use ground turkey instead of the mushrooms and limit it to two layers instead of three to control my portion sizes, and use whole wheat pasta inst...
  • annefood Love that you're making such a veggie-centric dish!
Does anyone have experience with indoor vermicomposting (using Red wriggler worms)? I’ve been researching it this weekend and I’m close to buying the WormFactory 360 kit (seems like the cleanest op...
See all 8 comments...
Water and The Restroom
OK. I really want to do the 8 Glasses of Water per day challenge, however I drive around our coun...
OK. I really want to do the 8 Glasses of Water per day challenge, however I drive around our county and then am in clients' homes for work. I like to avoid asking if I can use their bathrooms. In ...
  • annefood Love this photo. And I totally understand your concern for using clients’ bathrooms! I don’t typically find that I have to use the bathroom an absurd number of times, but I’ve always been a big...
middle eastern eggplant roast | Jackie Newgent
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
Added cup of mixed berries to my protein shake (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries). Extra serving of fruit and stops night cravings!
msantiago's post
It's What's For Dinner...
100% Easy Veggie Dinner in 30 minutes! Butternut squash spiral noodles sautéed with assortment of...
100% Easy Veggie Dinner in 30 minutes! Butternut squash spiral noodles sautéed with assortment of veggies on hand, perfectly tender (but not over cooked) collard greens, and sautéed mushrooms with ...
  • annefood Look at all those veggies! Way to go @kerry18 !
  • msantiago That looks delightful! Yummy!
  • garv Whoa that’s a plateful of goodness. I’ve started adding nuts / seeds to my stir fries, makes the meal more satisfying!
Happy Election Day! This brekkie has been on the menu for a solid week and it doesn’t get old. Prepped in a total of 2.5 minutes
Sprouted grain bread, avocado, scrambled egg

Day 1/14: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level III
Sprouted grain bread, avocado, scrambled egg Day 1/14: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level III