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Kale is rich in calcium! You don't have to drink milk, just eat your leafy greens!
For delicious kale chips, just toss chopped kale with olive oil, sea salt and pepper, and roast a...
Learning how to poach eggs! Anyone have tips?
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basi...
Is dashi the "new" stock?
Who is a dashi fan? I've never made it, but imagine it would indeed be a great stand-in for veggi...
Love hard boiled eggs, but have a hard time taking the shell off. Any good tricks to share with me?
Broil shrimp in the oven for a mess-free meal!
This is a great weeknight dish because it doesn't make a mess and it's pretty fast! Perfect for a...
Fresh cilantro & avocado are two of my kitchen staples. What are some of yours?
Change up your risotto game: Switch out arborio rice for toasted buckwheat! Asparagus Buckwheat Risotto on the blog
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to ...
Ganache! Took a great baking class and learned some new tricks!
Buttermilk Bake Shop
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is fill...
Grand Harbour Condos