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Attending #goodfoodspotlight tonight? Introduce yourself in the comments!
If you can't make it in person, join via live stream at 7pm!
Development at the cost of nutrition!
"Cheap, high-fat and nutrient-poor food exposes GenNext to the twin bane of malnutrition and obes...
Sparkling water with mint instead of something sweet after dinner.
Day 23/30: Avoid Added Sugar Level V
Does dried pasta have added sugar?
I was wondering if dried pasta such as penne or spaghetti had added sugar or other artificial ing...
Healthy Eaters, Strong Minds: What School Gardens Teach Kids
"School-based urban gardens can have a measurable positive impact on kids — from improving their ...
Salmon "Nicoise" Salad
My favorite kind of meal: a big ass salad 🍅
Do natural honey (got it from a farm) contains added sugar?
Proposed action to cut sales of sugary drinks - NHS England
"This site contains surveys and consultations that are run by NHS England."
Do wheat tortillas contain extra sugar?
Celebrity endorsements of food and drinks show that 80%+ are for junk food.
I knew the number was high, but this is pretty sad. I'm sure part of the issue is that healthier ...