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Urban Food Policy Forum: Food Systems and Regional Planning
Location: CUNY Graduate School of Public Health 55 West 125th Street, 7th Floor, NY NY 10027 Fo...
Drinking like a fish: Whisky waste to be fed to salmon
If you aren't jealous you're lying! Post-run breakfast delicious. With this diet focusing on taste and SATISFACTION from food leading to eating less and more
Day 9/14: Eat One Bite At A Time Level IV
ShaperTalk w/ Oliver Zahn (Impossible Foods)
The chief data scientist at Impossible Foods -- which is intelligently transforming plants into t...
WeWork Transbay
Savory pancakes and I cut the recipe in half and still didn't eat the whole batch. Put the leftovers away for another meal.
Day 4/14: Eat One Bite At A Time Level IV
Avoiding Diet Coke
For me, regular soda isn't the problem. It's Diet Coke only. I know it's awful for me but I just ...
Does anyone have any healthy and delicious breakfast ideas for on the go?
Your Holiday Party Survival Guide from Foodstand
Holiday season is in full swing, and you likely have more than a few festivities on the calendar....
Love this edible solution to food waste!
Breakfast idea: make a papaya bowl and fill it with different things that you still have left in the fridge #nofoodwaste