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Twist up your drinks with: Passionfruit Ice cubes, there are so many possibilities for #nofoodwaste ice cubes! More coming soon 💚🌱♻️
Purple snow peas...
Looking these beauties up on the inter-webs and found a fun fact: they're technically a fruit. Th...
Tropical Maracuja Icecubes
What are people planting in their garden this year?
This was how green my garden was last year and can't wait to plant this year. Definitely doing mo...
Have you heard of monk fruit?
Supposedly grown in China and New Zealand, it's a melon that serves as a paleo-friendly substitut...
Chia pudding made from strawberry banana leftover smoothie, topped with soy yoghurt leftovers, blueberries, crocant and drizzles of honey.
Fresh burrata, basil, heirloom tomatoes and avocado
Made a breakfast tpdau for Tristram @Feedback and caught up on #NoFoodWaste. If you're in New Yor...
Rocket wrap today using my strawberry leftovers, grilled tofu, yoghurtdressing and fried onions. #nofoodwaste ♻️💚🌱
Jar Hacks: 8 Things to Make with an Almost-Empty Jar
When all that’s left of your favorite condiment is a few streaks in the jar, it’d be a shame to r...
Dandelion jam with apple juice and lemon. So fruity and perfect for a warm spring/summer day.
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: Make sur...