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😍 Starting my day off with oatmeal. What are your favorite ingredients to add into your oatmeal? #healthystart
Health & Yoga w/Seema
Food friends! How do you talk to non-food friends about meat?
I like to cook large hunks of (humanely raised) meat for celebratory gatherings (a consequence of...
The Psychological Truth Behind Juice Cleanses
Do you juice? What are your motivations behind it? Tastes good? Don't eat enough veggies? Totally...
Has anyone had matzo made with Klaus's grains? Dan Barber wrote a beautiful op-Ed about discovering delicious matzo- it's all in the grain
Just in time for Passover!
Harvesting chocolate mint...🌱
...for our spinach and mint smoothie in Wellness class today! What's your favorite smoothie add in?!
Healthy Cafe Inquiry
Hey Foodstanders- What are your favorite healthy cafes to gather with a group of friends? Lookin...
Radioactive neon yellow egg insides?
I just cracked an egg into my frying pan and the contents was an extremely bright neon yellow col...
Does anyone have a good falafel recipe?
Preferably without tahini!
Baby bok choy in the greenhouse. How do you like to use it?
Does anyone have advice for using up peanut flour? I bought WAY too much on a whim, and can only eat so many smoothies...