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Tiger Beef Salad. Off the rockers spicy. Just the way I like it.
Uncle Bo's Haleiwa
Grilled pork chops Vietnamese-style 👌🏼☀️ bcuz it's BBQ weather!
Another day, another tasty recipe
Jalapeño skillet cornbread made with local ingredients #FoodRevolution
Eat your microgreens!
This is our mild mix. It includes red Russian kale, amaranth and red cabbage. It's packed with nu...
Tomato-Onion Chutney Vegetarian Recipe by Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor.
I'm a big fan of making chutneys in batches. I toss them in salads, on sandwiches, with some vege...
Chopped Chinese chicken salad for dinner tonight! 🍴🌿💚 used up all of the random bits of veg in the fridge. #nofoodwaste
Food Revolution Day, Bend, Oregon
Grow your food, to know your food! Join us any time throughout the day to learn about growing yo...
Savory Spice Shop Bend
Chopping away to make my family-famous veggie lasagna for dinner tonight! ❤️ #meatlessmonday
#Tacotuesday with garlic and sweet pepper sauteed bimi and mushroom leftover tacos topped with houmous and pomegranate. #nofoodwaste
Use less than stellar berries & fruit to make a shrub! This sweetened vinegar will make great drinks! Cherries, allspice & peppercorns.