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Taking all the bits and bobs in your condiment jars and making a stellar pasta!!
"Everyone deserves a couple of recipes in their arsenal that gets them through the ‘brain dead da...
Chopped Chinese chicken salad for dinner tonight! 🍴🌿💚 used up all of the random bits of veg in the fridge. #nofoodwaste
#Tacotuesday with garlic and sweet pepper sauteed bimi and mushroom leftover tacos topped with houmous and pomegranate. #nofoodwaste
Old croissants freshened up in the oven with sprinkles of water topped with tiramisu and strawberry compote make amazing desserts💚♻️🌱
Spaghetti squash is so versatile!
Was doing some recipe testing and have fallen in love (in so many ways) with Spaghetti squash. Ma...
Zucchini saute with leftovers
Leftover egg whites from making ice cream yesterday make a yummy breakfast!
"Leftover" egg whites, #local #farmstand spinach, tomato, spring onion, and feta. #NoFoodWaste
For the sweet pepper filling I cleaned out my fridge using pesto calabrese leftovers for the sauce. Refined with veggie spice this was yum😋
Charred Cauliflower Salad
A simple charred cauliflower salad tonight with a drizzle of leftover spinach korma sauce , cherr...
I'll be showing soon how to make Spanish White rice...Stay tuned