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#kitchentip for a #meatlessmonday salad- fry up some spicy chickpeas with paprika and cayenne as a salad topper
Make these ahead of time and top your salads, grain bowls, or just eat them as. Here's a good rec...
Iron Horse
#meatlessmonday #nofoodwaste creation of muttia - a traditional Gujarati dish made with zucchini and cilantro - stems included!
This is a super healthy alternative to meat substitutes, with a zucchini base. First, shred 2 squ...
10 Plant-based Proteins You Should be Eating
The stigma has always been - if you want to be vegetarian, you won't get enough protein. This lis...
Eat meat daily, die early.
For those of us who are omnivores, we might want to consider doing only Meat on Mondays vs. #Meat...
Cauliflower in the Oven Crunchy tasty easy summer dinner Low in calorie full of fiber and vitamins
Rawsome Meetup #MeatlessMonday
"If you're new to eating a vegan diet, it can be challenging to find a balance between being soci...
Busboys and Poets
A fresh savoury cobbler for #meatlessmonday
"This was the last weekend of March, 2016.  And it was a glorious one, in Toronto.  True, the air...
Researchers find early onset of puberty affected by red meat intake | The Michigan Daily
"According to University of Michigan research released last week, girls who eat red meat more oft...
Entire #meatlessmonday meal was delicious! But my favorite was def that incredible beet salsa/veg...
Nourish Kitchen + Table
#meatlessmonday dinner at @nourishnyc with quinoa, navy beans, and carrot and chickpeas Falafel +...
Nourish Kitchen + Table