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Made it to level 2
I just started level 2 on eat one bite at a time. I have trouble swallowing, so I am using this to remind me to slow down and chew properly. I'm not sure why it says I don't have any check-ins tho...
From our Facebook page, Is it better to wrap leftovers if foil or put it in zip lock bags?
  • annefood Hey @mmorawski ! Good question. In general, I prefer to store leftovers in glass containers because there won't be any interaction between the food and the material in which it is stored. Glass is...
Midnight snacking may up heart disease, diabetes risk: Report - The Financial Express
"Eating during the night may increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes by disrupting the bo...
"Eating during the night may increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes by disrupting the body's biological clock, a study warns."
Mushroom Risotto with Brown Rice
Mushroom risotto with brown rice, a sunny side egg and a side of sautéed kale. 😋 This brown rice ...
Mushroom risotto with brown rice, a sunny side egg and a side of sautéed kale. 😋 This brown rice risotto recipe is amazing and easy. Link below.
  • annefood 👍🏼👍🏼
  • msantiago I can eat almost anything with a nicely cooked egg!!!! Nice!! I may not try the sautéed kale but I’ll definitely try the mushroom risotto!
  • katrandall @msantiago Me too!! Yes, you should try the risotto recipe. It's great!
See all 5 comments...
Ladies night! A late night snack sliced bananas and strawberries with some chai tea on the side! Great support group!
msantiago's post
Banana Chocolate Chip Superfood Cookies
jenhutzel's post
Kudos to Panera for having drinks that don’t have any added sugar, and labeling them!
DietID_TeamDietitians's post
Pot Sticker Stir-Fry - Nom Nom Paleo®
"Pot Sticker Stir-Fry is a simple, family-friendly, one-pan weeknight meal. This Whole30-friendly...
"Pot Sticker Stir-Fry is a simple, family-friendly, one-pan weeknight meal. This Whole30-friendly dish consists of the very best part of the dumpling: the umami-rich filling of pork, cabbage, and m...
  • judithfreeman I made this for dinner tonight for the Cook Dinner More Often challenge, it was delicious! It makes a lot of food though so I would suggest you have a very big pan and enjoy leftovers if you make...
  • annefood 👍🏼👍🏼 @judithfreeman
Today’s Challenge
Is there a challenge today? I guess I thought there would be a challenge every day. Just wondering…
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey @mmorawski! Yes, the challenge actually lasts for 30 days. Your goal is to have at least 1 Zero Food Waste meal each day. When you do so, open the Foodstand app and check in by drawing a check...
Ate my servings of veggies before anything else on the plate to avoid becoming full on the other items! Ate less as a result! 👍🏼