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Hey Foodstanders! We were just featured in SELF magazine! Thanks for all of your contributions and inspiration. People are taking notice!
9yr Purpose
Hey Foodstanders! We were just featured in SELF magazine! Thanks for all of your contributions an...
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#NoFoodWaste #nosugar breakfast in a jiffy.
Day 3/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV

Mashed up leftover cauliflower and mushrooms from di...
Day 3/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV Mashed up leftover cauliflower and mushrooms from dinner last night to make a veggie-packed toast with sprouted grain bread. + hot sauce - obviously :)
  • humvee Such a great idea for a healthy breakfast!!!!
With all this information & research , how come the consumer hasn’t gotten smarter ?
  • annefood Exactly. Which is why we created Foodstand! Processed food makes the big food giants money, and marketing is powerful. It can be hard to sort through the misinformation!
  • garv I guess we start with ourselves & people around us will follow. Although I’m in India , I am glad I discovered Foodstand ! Would be happy to chip in with ideas ...
  • LDA Foodstand has kept me accountable. My husband and I are on a low carb meal plan. We are doing relatively good so far. It has definitely made me more aware of what I was eating.
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Had my daughter
I’ve been privileged to be eating hospital food. I don’t know if that counts as take out but just...
I’ve been privileged to be eating hospital food. I don’t know if that counts as take out but just playing it safe. Wyatt loves his little sister.
  • humvee Congratulations! Such a beautiful family! :)
  • annefood You did it! She is darling, and Wyatt looks so happy! Congratulations!!! What is her name? ❤️
  • NicoleDanielle Thanks everyone. We named her Avalynn. She’s such a treat. Wyatt is being such a sweet big brother.
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Are Any of Those "Healthy" Sugar Alternatives Better for You? | Greatist
A great summary of how glucose, fructose and sucrose impact your body, and why alternative sugars...
A great summary of how glucose, fructose and sucrose impact your body, and why alternative sugars aren't all they're cracked up to be.
  • garv That's quite a read. I'm weaning myself off sugar after December debauchery, admittedly it's not easy.
  • annefood You can do it @garv !
  • garv Thanks @annefood . Weaning myself off sugar , refined flour etc. Priming myself for the real food challenge. It's the first challenge that I gave up midway.
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I know avocado toast is old news, but I liked this one topped with watermelon radish and sumac for an extra bite!
6yr Stonefruit Espresso + Kitchen
Special love goes to Shewolf bakery for the bread!
Special love goes to Shewolf bakery for the bread!
Fruit for breakfast
If I eat a piece of fruit during breakfast, it’s really not too hard to get the rest of my fruits and vegetables the rest of the day.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! My favorites breakfasts pair perfectly with fruit. Apples in oatmeal, bananas with muesli, berries and plain yogurt - the list goes on! 👍🏼
  • msantiago Yes! I even like some sliced bananas and strawberries in my cereal! Perfect with honey bunches of oats!!!!
Mysore masala dosa( pancake- creeps)
Breakfast or evening snack
Breakfast or evening snack
  • LDA Looks and sounds yummy! How do you make it? Would love to try it!
Dinner prep in 10 minutes! This veggie-stacked whole wheat pizza is simply perfect for busy nights
I took some short cuts - I used store bought whole wheat pizza dough, had pre-chopped veggies rea...
I took some short cuts - I used store bought whole wheat pizza dough, had pre-chopped veggies ready, and made some fresh tomato sauce that was chilling in the fridge already. All I had to do was st...
....with no sugar, please!!!
Never thought I could drink black Café without sugar.. but now.. I cannot drink with sugar!! It t...
Never thought I could drink black Café without sugar.. but now.. I cannot drink with sugar!! It tasted weird in the begging.. but, I kept going... and now... I don’t drink any sugared drink at all!...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes!!! After a couple weeks of cutting out sugar from my morning coffee, not only do I not miss it anymore, if I have coffee with sugar, it’s too sweet!
  • annefood Woo hoo @paulyne! Amazing how sugar changes our taste buds huh?!
  • paulyne @Rachna yes!! Just like with me.. too sweet!! :)
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