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What's your favorite good food book/movie/documentary/reporting series etc.?
My vegetarian lifestyle started when I watched a kids news segment on feedlots on Nickelodeon whe...
Why the new nutrition labels won't work <- I disagree with this. Do you?
This article kind of boils my blood. It doesn't take into account that nutrition labels were pair...
Did you know??
That 40% of our corn crop winds up in gas tanks as ethanol and about 8 bushels of corn is only 22...
Does anyone know anything about the new Union Fare?
I walked in to check it out, and only the coffee shop was open. The barista said they are opening...
Union Fare
There's some debate on how to clean and store freshly laid eggs. Also, do they taste different? How long do they last? πŸ”πŸ”
Taro root and chayote squash. Any good recipes or suggestions on how to cook these vegetables?
Has anyone ever WWOOF'd in Italy (or anywhere else)? Looking for farm suggestions/general advice for this summer!
Taste Testing the Best Kombucha
Kombucha fans out there? I think I have a realistic view of the stuff, and love its taste and pro...
We all have personal connections to food, and for many of us, the same goes for why we don’t waste it. Do you have a #NoFoodWaste story?
Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED,...
Does anyone still make sassafras tea?
I've always loved the lemony smell of sassafras, which is fairly easy to spot in the woods with i...