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can I eat a 0%fat yogurt without sugar as a dessert?😬
  • annefood For sure @paumolist ! I love plain yogurt with berries or slices banana in it for dessert. Great idea!
  • paumolist okaay thank you👌🏼 @annefood
  • DietID_TeamDietitians definitely!! Plain yogurt with fruit is a delicious dessert. I keep dates in my pantry for yogurt because they don't go bad if stored in an air tight container.
See all 6 comments...
First attempt at beef bone broth. If anyone has a good recipe, I'd love a pointer to it.
First attempt at beef bone broth. If anyone has a good recipe, I'd love a pointer to it.
  • Rudi Boil, strain, 'fridge overnight before skimming fat; keep it simple.
    Having your butcher cut the bones in half lengthwise and roasting in the oven first will add depth to the beef flavor.
  • MargaretG @rudi thank you for the tips!
What is a free pass?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Great question! A Free Pass is an allowable slip for the habit you’re working on. If you’re doing the Avoid Soda Challenge, check in by using a Free Pass if you had a soda. If you had just a small...
  • laibasarfraz oh thank you
Anyone in the community tried this vegan grain sausage? Your quick thoughts appreciated! 🙌
9yr Carib Natural Farmers' Market
Anyone in the community tried this vegan grain sausage? Your quick thoughts appreciated! 🙌
  • JenniferEmilson Is this local? Curious to know how it tastes. Intriguing.
  • MrsXtina Is this at the Caribbean organic store!?
What are people planting in their garden this year?
This was how green my garden was last year and can't wait to plant this year. Definitely doing mo...
This was how green my garden was last year and can't wait to plant this year. Definitely doing more kale, peas, green squash. What's everyone else planting? I'm in Northeastern PA and would be open...
  • katewilson Welcome to the community! I would say sugar snap peas are always my fave!
  • Anke Have you tried different types of kale?
  • sugardetoxme asparagus. If you don't mind something growing like weeds once it takes!
See all 14 comments...
Harvesting chocolate mint...🌱
...for our spinach and mint smoothie in Wellness class today! What's your favorite smoothie add in?!
...for our spinach and mint smoothie in Wellness class today! What's your favorite smoothie add in?!
  • sugardetoxme I LOVE chocolate mint. But if I had to have a favorite add in, hands down fresh almond butter and topping with bee pollen
  • DietID_TeamDietitians oh I've never had chocolate mint! Will have to hunt for it at the market for my slowly growing herb garden. My favorite add in is dates. They add the right touch of rich sweetness!
Refined Carbohydrates
How many refined carbohydrates roughly are acceptable on a daily basis?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Generally speaking, it’s best to choose unrefined, whole grains whenever possible. When it comes to added sugar in particular, the max recommended amount per day is about 24 grams = 6 teaspoons....
Roasted root veggies with salsa verde. What dishes are you going to miss making?
Definitely going to miss my root veggies this fall, but looking forward to seeing more tomatoes. ...
Definitely going to miss my root veggies this fall, but looking forward to seeing more tomatoes. What seasonal dishes are you going to miss making? #FoodRevolution
  • annefood OMG those look amazing!
  • annefood I'm going to miss root veggies too, but my excitement for late spring and summer produce totally outweighs the loss. Stone fruit, berries, lettuces from the garden.... !!
  • JenniferEmilson Love all the fresh berries coming to market now!!
Strawberry moon tonight! How have NYers enjoyed their ~15 hours of daylight??
"This year the heavenly bodies seem to have conspired to sweeten the pot with an event we haven’t...
"This year the heavenly bodies seem to have conspired to sweeten the pot with an event we haven’t seen in 70 years."
  • mirasingh This is really fascinating. It was beautiful yesterday, but I can appreciate it so much more.
Who is doing Food Swaps?
This upcoming event ( got me thinking more about food swaps -
Who has done them?
Have people f...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians We did a food swap with Foodstanders last year and it was pretty cool! I walked away with chili granola, some lemon curd, and cookies!