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I conquered the The Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Challenge - 30 days!
winston4's post
I made it 9 days on the The Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Challenge!
Hilde's post
Purple artichokes!
SimplyHailee's post
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Beautiful! What's the difference between this and a green artichoke? I assume they have more nutrients because they are darker, but not sure
  • SimplyHailee I think it's just a different variety of artichoke. I didn't buy it, but next time I run across one I will take note of where it's from!
  • sugardetoxme I suppose if you eat the leaves they may be higher in anthocyanin but imagine the heart is a normal color, or is the heart purple too?
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Trying to incorporate more plant-based meals? Here's one way to turn a salad into a quick meal.
Just lettuce and raw veggies aren't enough for a meal. To add that satiety factor to your salad, ...
Just lettuce and raw veggies aren't enough for a meal. To add that satiety factor to your salad, add cubed, pre-seasoned baked tofu (available in the refrigerator section in most large grocery stor...
Ribeye Steak Tips!
Ribeye Steak Tips!
I made it 4 days on the The Avoid Sweets Challenge!
CamiloEL's post
Orange is the new green?
I was inspired by @priyanka95's honey sweet potatoes so I roasted one up. The radioactive stuff u...
I was inspired by @priyanka95's honey sweet potatoes so I roasted one up. The radioactive stuff under was a happy mistake... I ignored the instructions for cooking lentils and ended up with somethi...
Puff pastry for the win!
I was strapped for time and needed to host 25 people of all different ages. I saw all these great...
I was strapped for time and needed to host 25 people of all different ages. I saw all these great puff pastry tarts via NYTimes cooking and decided to try my own. - store-bought puff pastry
- chee...
When I’m craving sweets, I do this instead!
Pitted dates, a dollop of unsalted peanut butter, and a dash of cinnamon. The kids will eat these...
Pitted dates, a dollop of unsalted peanut butter, and a dash of cinnamon. The kids will eat these “date boats” for dessert too!
  • allhatsoff2yu I grew up eating dates with peanut butter from the time I was about nine years old. Still a favorite sweet treat and my grandkids love it as well!