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Trying to incorporate more plant-based meals? Here's one way to turn a salad into a quick meal.
Just lettuce and raw veggies aren't enough for a meal. To add that satiety factor to your salad, ...
Just lettuce and raw veggies aren't enough for a meal. To add that satiety factor to your salad, add cubed, pre-seasoned baked tofu (available in the refrigerator section in most large grocery stor...
Ribeye Steak Tips!
Ribeye Steak Tips!
I made it 4 days on the The Avoid Sweets Challenge!
CamiloEL's post
Orange is the new green?
I was inspired by @priyanka95's honey sweet potatoes so I roasted one up. The radioactive stuff u...
I was inspired by @priyanka95's honey sweet potatoes so I roasted one up. The radioactive stuff under was a happy mistake... I ignored the instructions for cooking lentils and ended up with somethi...
Puff pastry for the win!
I was strapped for time and needed to host 25 people of all different ages. I saw all these great...
I was strapped for time and needed to host 25 people of all different ages. I saw all these great puff pastry tarts via NYTimes cooking and decided to try my own. - store-bought puff pastry
- chee...
When I’m craving sweets, I do this instead!
Pitted dates, a dollop of unsalted peanut butter, and a dash of cinnamon. The kids will eat these...
Pitted dates, a dollop of unsalted peanut butter, and a dash of cinnamon. The kids will eat these “date boats” for dessert too!
  • allhatsoff2yu I grew up eating dates with peanut butter from the time I was about nine years old. Still a favorite sweet treat and my grandkids love it as well!
Here's one way to get kids to eat more fruit 😉
DietIDdietitian's post
  • reneeeats We make animal toasts all the time to get the kids to eat chia seeds and new fruit!
Get more fruits and veggies, for less money, in less time? Yes, please!
DietIDdietitian's post
Does Almond Milk qualify as dairy?
  • reneeeats I don’t think so, but I know it is classified as “milk.” @DietIDdietitian can weigh in
  • DietIDdietitian For the increase dairy challenge, you certainly can use plant milks. Look for one that is fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Cheers!