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ElanaG's post
  • annefood Delish!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians YES! this looks amazing! Balanced and full of fresh ingredients. This is a great example of how to avoid cravings.
Making dinner with a little baby at home means meals usually fit in one bowl. This one was particularly delish and ready in 20 min
Brown rice with garlic and kale, avocado and greens salad, and pan seared chicken with onions and...
Brown rice with garlic and kale, avocado and greens salad, and pan seared chicken with onions and garlic.
Any healthy/no sugar added pizza alternatives/recipes?! This is the fifth pizza to tempt me in less than a week!
ingalls's post
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Yummy dinner!!
Quinoa, mint, parsley, tomatoes, cucumber, feta, green olives, tofu, Cajun spice, salt, Lemon jui...
Quinoa, mint, parsley, tomatoes, cucumber, feta, green olives, tofu, Cajun spice, salt, Lemon juice, pepper, zaatar (hyssop) YUM!
Can I use whole milk and espresso without sweetener? Definitely better flavor but doesn’t the whole milk replace sugar w other calories??
  • annefood Using whole milk instead of sweetener is a great replacement! When thinking about a healthy whole/real foods diet, don’t focus on the calories. If you turn your attention to the quality of the...
  • shmoozii Good info to know. 👍
  • ElanaG Thanks!!
“Lactic acid” vs “Lactose” on the list of 56 sugar names - also something to avoid?
  • annefood No, you don’t need to avoid lactic acid in the Avoid Added Sugar Challenge. It’s used in fermentation (yogurt, pickled veggies, sourdough...) and as a preservative or flavoring agent.
  • annefood And lactose is an intrinsic sugar (not an added sugar) that is naturally occurring in dairy. So no need to worry about that either.
  • ingalls Thanks! I kept looking it up. ;-)
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I blended up a frozen banana with a little skim milk and it was delicious. Perfect treat in this hot weather.
Salt craving
I’ve been craving salt lately. Is this related to not having added sugar? Is anyone else craving salt?? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • annefood I do not believe that there is a nutritional correlation, but it could be that you’re reaching for salty snacks since sweet ones are off the menu. Or perhaps the heat?
  • shmoozii I think you’re right. It’s a little weird is all.
  • garv Not weird at all . Salt does provide satiation.
Agave nectar
Is that allowed?
  • annefood Nope! Agave nectar is an added sugar (as are maple syrup, coconut nectar, honey, etc.).
  • ElanaG I didn’t think so, so I used half a pass since I ate a couple spoonfuls of Greek yogurt with it (siggi).
    Hard to find stuff while away on business!
  • annefood Good call. Yes it is indeed!
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How do the streaks work?? I don’t really understand. Mine is always zero :(
  • annefood A streak is when you don’t use any full or half passes, and thus successfully avoid added sugar. No passes used for 3 days and you have a 3 day streak, for example. It resets when you use one- I...
  • shmoozii I was wondering about that too.
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