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To avoid unhealthy, sweet desserts start eating sweet tasting fruits like apples or bananas and consider that as a dessert.
There's a recipe to make your own Nutella!
Start with taking all the ingredients. You need: - 2 cups skinned hazelnuts - 1 cup confectioners...
Almond butter on apples for breakfast is a surprisingly sweet no added sugar, speedy breakfast.
Ever since I've started this no sugar at breakfast thing I've felt more tired on the mornings than usual
Day 3/3: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level I
6 reasons to stop drinking soda | Beaumont Health Great reasons for ending the need for sofa! And from the hospital in which I work....
Day 9/14: Avoid Soda Level IV
Beaumont Hospital
Distract yourself by drinking water through a straw. Putting fruits like lemon or blueberries to flavor the water will help.
Living without sweets is surprisingly easy and you feel much more energetic
6 YouTubers Who Will Inspire You to Go Vegan (If You Aren't Already)
"In this day and age, all you need is a video to show you how to live like a chief."
I know this is SO trendy, but this is the best soda replacement.
Broccoli soup for lunch! Filling, keeps me hydrated and helps curb those pesky sugar cravings. I made a pot over the weekend and I simply reheat a portion for lunch.
Day 4/14: Avoid Added Sugar Level IV