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The Thinking Girl's Guide to Drinking: 7 Healthier Cocktail Ingredients
"Don't quit the cocktails - just learn to drink better. We're loving this list of seven smart ing...
The Power of Simple Life Changes to Prevent Heart Disease - The New York Times
A great article validating the idea that changing habits, like increasing fruits and veggies, and...
Choline: The nutrient you didn’t know you were missing
"It’s time choline gets the attention it deserves — it’s especially critical for brain development."
Help us share some handmade cookies to the homeless around the country
We've partnered with a Brooklyn baker Zach Thompson to come up with this cool project that gives ...
Perelandra Natural Foods
This is so easy!
Day 28/30: Avoid Soda Level V
Sparkling water with mint instead of something sweet after dinner.
Day 23/30: Avoid Added Sugar Level V
To Smoothie or Not To Smoothie - Institute for Responsible Nutrition
Fiber is the question.
What about juice? - Institute for Responsible Nutrition
It doesn't contain fiber!
Fiber Is Our Friend - Institute for Responsible Nutrition
Eat the whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
What's the difference between added sugar and free sugar? - Institute for Responsible Nutrition
White sugar vs honey and fruit juice.