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Strawberry Fields
Everything in this salad was literally all I had in my fridge. I was inspired by the #NoFoodWaste...
SpoonLed: the youth movement rescuing our veggies | Jamie's Food Revolution | Jamie Oliver
"SpoonLed: the youth movement rescuing our veggies" #NoFoodWaste
Beet fusilli from @sfoglini with wild caught Alaskan salmon + lots of #leftover veggies made a solidly flavorful #nofoodwaste dinner
Greens were wilted, but a quick sauté with garlic brought them back to life. Made the tomato sauc...
Bread, Resurrected
Stale bread is resurrected for croutons in this smoky kale salad. #nofoodwaste
Mixed fresh and almost spoiling ingredients such as peaches and camembert on sour-dough bread. Soooo yummy. #nofoodwaste
Asparagus season is short. Making the most of this member of the lily family. The plant has virtually no leaves: its stems are branches.
Imperfect produce at A Dutch supermarket chain. So happy that they also engage in #nofoodwaste
Copenhagen's Christiania district to host Japanese food festival
Anyone going to be in Copenhagen at any point in the next month? "In what could be the first food...
How to feed 9.7bn people? Startups take on the global food problem
"In the hunt for a sustainable solution to a rapidly rising population, agriculture has begun to ...
Waitress Serves Up A Solution To Her City’s Food Waste Problem
#ladyboss #NoFoodWaste "A hot tip for those who want to help the environment."