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To roast a chicken, cook for 25 minutes at 450, then turn down to 400 for another hour.
The internal temp should read 165 degrees, and the juices should run clear. This recipe is a fant...
Refresh Your Hard Bread!
1. Wrap in foil 2. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes (Animation at imgur link) #nofoodwaste
Change up your risotto game: Switch out arborio rice for toasted buckwheat! Asparagus Buckwheat Risotto on the blog
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to ...
For the love of all that is sacred, ALWAYS toss your pasta in its sauce before serving!
Cook your pasta to "al dente," remove from boiling water and throw directly into sauce. Keep sauc...
Hesperides Organica Coop
Store nuts in the freezer!
Their high fat content causes them to spoil easily, and freezing them keeps them fresh. Just use/...
Add some zip to your vinaigrette with spices!
I used ground cumin in this shallot vinaigrette with lemon juice, white wine vinegar and mustard....
Learning how to poach eggs! Anyone have tips?
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basi...
Make sure your fridge isn't overpacked to ensure your food stays cold.
An overfilled fridge prevents air from circulating properly. It's the perfect excuse to use all o...
This changes everything.
"Don't cry—it's only dinner prep!"
How to Cook with Pineapple Peels and Cores
After composting so much pineapple the other week, this seems like a great idea! #kitchentips