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"Use up all of the berries" Berry Mac Nut Oatmeal.
Farmer Crafts Artwork With Food Waste - Modern Farmer
"Before they land in the compost pile, Ron Bigelow's using hundreds of discarded fruits and veggi...
juice bar to chicken coop
Our heritage breed chickens love the leftover organic carrot and kale/spinach/dandelion greens pu...
#NoFoodWaste tip: Make pesto from wilted greens and herbs!
I'm sure this is a no-brainer but so easy and such a good way to use up odds and ends in the frid...
Clean out the fridge! Make a veggie pizza.
One courgette, one tomato, one bell pepper, one onion, one fistful of #local spinach, endless pos...
Sautéed leftover chard stems, as promised!
Fresh pasta is a great way to use up the last bits of veg in the fridge #nofoodwaste
I had 3 assorted #wild mushrooms, a few leaves of #local spinach and a splash of white wine left ...
Zesty Arugula Salad
#NoFoodWaste This is my take on Charlie Bird's Farro Salad. Had to try it after @lauren's post :)...
Beet greens for breakfast!
A relative of chard, beet greens cook up just as good with a little olive oil and garlic, so save...
Oatmeal chocolate chip and raisin.