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First farm to grow veg in a desert using only sun and seawater | New Scientist
"World's first commercial seawater greenhouse was launched in Australia today, using solar power ...
My kinda juice detox
Aids in weight loss Facilitates digestion Boosts hydration Reduces blood pressure Rich in nutr...
Staying hydrated!
All month long we've been celebrating summer, and the importance of staying hydrated in June, Jul...
OkCupid for unwanted fruits and veg: tech joins the fight against food waste | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian
"A crop of web and mobile developers from Silicon Valley and beyond are stopping blemished produc...
#FoodRevolution Veggie Noodle Stir-fry!
Tomorrow is #FoodRevolution Day, and Jamie's veggie noodle stir-fry will be front and center at t...
Eat meat daily, die early.
For those of us who are omnivores, we might want to consider doing only Meat on Mondays vs. #Meat...
Lentils, cauliflower, arugula with roasted grapes
Is the Whole30 diet reasonable?
"A recap of a dietitian and runner's experience doing Whole30 "
U.K. grocer embraces 'wonky' veg to trim waste | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."