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Gathering all the scraps in the fridge together to make this salad
Two for the price of one!
8yr Royal Oak Farmers Market
Conjoined summer squash! #NoFoodWaste
Conjoined summer squash! #NoFoodWaste
This almost spoiling eggplant had to be used quickly. Why not use it in filled sweet peppers? 😋
Last almost spoiling breads topped with hummus, greens, almost spoiling tomatoes and pine nuts.check out more #nofoodwaste tips on my blog😋
Omnjom, leftover veggies in Asia noodles with Hoisin sauce, made by the boyfriend. His #nofoodwaste engagement is getting better 😄
#Tacotuesday with garlic and sweet pepper sauteed bimi and mushroom leftover tacos topped with houmous and pomegranate. #nofoodwaste
Old croissants freshened up in the oven with sprinkles of water topped with tiramisu and strawberry compote make amazing desserts💚♻️🌱
Oatmeal chocolate chip and raisin.
Mashrooms from northern areas
8yr Visit Tromsø
#NoFoodWaste #mushrooms #sopp #purpledinner
  • JoanneG Hello all the way out there in Norway! Very cool to see the dining scene there.
What do I do with citrus from North Carolina? (Trifoliate orange, bitter orange, also known as Flying Dragon)
I had to harvest these early and am not sure what to do with them. Maybe a jam or chutney or try ...
I had to harvest these early and am not sure what to do with them. Maybe a jam or chutney or try to candy them? Has anyone worked with them? #KnowYourFarmer #iamthefarmer #nofoodwaste #bountifulba...