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Trader Joe’s organic fruit spread has no added sugar and is delish!!! Lots of flavors:)
kmkelman's post
  • annefood 👍🏼👍🏼
  • samkelman Yes so true! And I’m so bummed because I bought the one from Whole Foods and it DOES have sugar! Ugh!
  • tovisnaw TJ almond butter also has no added sugar. So good
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Agave nectar
Is that allowed?
  • annefood Nope! Agave nectar is an added sugar (as are maple syrup, coconut nectar, honey, etc.).
  • ElanaG I didn’t think so, so I used half a pass since I ate a couple spoonfuls of Greek yogurt with it (siggi).
    Hard to find stuff while away on business!
  • annefood Good call. Yes it is indeed!
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Chocolate substitutes?
I just started the avoid sweets challenge. I usually eat one square of dark chocolate a day. What are some other ways to get my dark chocolate fix?
Tofu, lentils, peppers, snap peas, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, Cajun sp...
Tofu, lentils, peppers, snap peas, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, Cajun spice, feta cheese, garlic, pepper, salt, paprika, zaatar (hyssop)
Team member NOT in a challenge
If we are in the FitWorth Challenge for FWISD, does it hurt our team %RANK if members are not currently in challenges?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey there! Nope! If they aren’t in the challenge, then their success rate is dropped from the team average. So if someone dropped out for any reason, it’s ok. It’s just important to keep those...
  • LauraPendergraft Yes- thank you!
Smaller plates may not help you eat less | Smaller plates | Delbouef illusion | food deprivation | eating less | Appetite | eat less
"If you think that serving food on a smaller plate can trick your brain into eating"
"If you think that serving food on a smaller plate can trick your brain into eating"
  • DietID_TeamDietitians yes! this is why if you eat a plant-forward diet, you maintaining strict portion control is less relevant. You can eat a giant plate of veggies, and consume to your heart's content, so you don't...
Post workout food
What’s a good non sugar item to eat after an intense workout? I would usually do a glass of chocolate milk after running but I am starving after playin an hour and a half of basketball!
  • kmkelman I like the peanut butter rx bar. Or but butter in a banana. Handful of almonds
  • annefood Anything with good carbs and protein that sounds tasty to you. Nuts and fruit per @kmkelman is a great suggestion if you want something light. Or plain yogurt with fresh fruit- you could turn that...
  • ElanaG It was at 10:30pm so definitely didn’t want anything heavy. Ended up just going to sleep
Is the fruit “must” in my balsamic vinegar considered an added sugar?
Breakfast for me at an event while everyone else is eating pastries!!! 😝
ElanaG's post
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How do I use a free pass
  • wendypoole I have no idea. I just check the marks. Haha