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Cook quinoa in broth for a richer, creamier dish.
Broth adds so much more flavor to grains than water does! I served fresh red snapper, green salad...
Kale is rich in calcium! You don't have to drink milk, just eat your leafy greens!
For delicious kale chips, just toss chopped kale with olive oil, sea salt and pepper, and roast a...
Avocado kept fresh
I recently found an easy way to store half / part of an avocado from turning brown . Simply cover...
Learning how to poach eggs! Anyone have tips?
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basi...
Gordon Ramsay shows us how the pros chop an onion
Always salt your pasta water for maximum flavor
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
If you're a prepared garlic fan, buy freeze-dried. It's the only type that maintains its nutrients.
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
This changes everything.
"Don't cry—it's only dinner prep!"
Cooked tomatoes are better for you than raw ones. The longer they cook, the better for you they become.
#kitchentips #tipoftheday
Fun fact: organic milk has a longer shelf-life than conventional milk, making it easier to save $ by buying a larger container!
Organic milk is processed differently than conventional milk, using ultrahigh temperature treatme...