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This baby preying mantis is doing a good job guarding the chives in my stoop garden.
South Park Slope
Remember that totally sustainable 'veggie' Sea Asparagus? Here's a fresh recipe! Go find some or ask your independent grocer to source it 😉
"A few weeks back I introduced you all to Sea Asparagus, Salicornia or Samphire.   Remember that ...
A fresh summer dip of pistachios, feta, and glorious fresh herbs. With a kick. Dig in!
"Let me start out by saying, I love pistachios.  You all have probably already figured this out- ...
Same same but different: Melon bowl filled with mango chunks and almost spoiling peach leftovers. #nofoodwaste
I love meals that just require assembly. I still consider it "cooking" 😉
A typical Bombay snack - papdi Chaat - made with boiled potatoes, yogurt, chickpeas, papdi, tamar...
Leek Pasta
I put this #NoFoodWaste tip at the @Feedbackorg event to practice. 1. Cut the greens off of your ...
Za'atar Pita Chips! Your dinner party just got better. Check the link to Marie's blog and recipe.
Lettuce was a cooked vegetable, before it became mainly a salad ingredient (like spinach). Topped my ramen with windowsill-grown greens 👌🏼
1 in every 5 plant species is likely threatened for extinction
Based on the best available estimate, scientists say that 21 percent of all plant species - or on...
Another #kitchentip for rice! Use leftover rice to make a quiche crust. #nofoodwaste
Just mix with parmesan, egg white, salt and pepper. Pre bake for a bit to set the crust then fill...