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If I want to bake something sweet in less calories, what can I do? For example, replacing milk with water etc.
I've already tried replacing milk with water, eggs with that Semper's No-Egg-thing, and sugar wit...
Too much water?
I've heard two objections to drinking 8 cups of water a day: 1) water can reduce the amount of go...
Some Kids' Genes Might Make Food Ads More Tempting
"Brain scans showed they had more reaction in 'reward center' when viewing fast-food commercials"
How To Reduce Food Waste At Home
"Pardon the pun, but reducing food waste is the lowest hanging fruit in enacting meaningful socia...
Everything you know about healthy food is a lie | Fox News
"In September, the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Internal Medicine publication re...
“Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but by a scarcity of democracy.”
Excellent article by Ms. Lappe. Today, 800 million of us are considered “hungry,” but we produce ...
Children should eat less than 25 grams of added sugars daily | American Heart Association
Let's see if this changes anything about school food and marketing junk food to kids!
Savory oatmeal coming your way, Union Square!
Kale and crimini mushroom oatmeal, recipe courtesy of @Newgent
Union Square Greenmarket
Junk Food Companies Are Welcomed at Nutrition Conferences
"Once again, processed food companies will be at a major nutrition expo in Boston"
Friday Inspiration: Here's How Scraps Can Help Grow The Food Of The Future | Huffington Post
Wow, this is one of the best food waste + urban farming solutions I've heard about. I can imagine...