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Friday Inspiration: Silo - the Restaurant with a #nofoodwaste Objective
This story about a UK restaurant is today's inspiration: "His ultimate vision is a tight-knit net...
Happy to see this deal on "blemished" produce at the Union Square farmer's market.
Care of Norwich Meadows Farm #nofoodwaste #KnowYourFarmer
Union Square Greenmarket
Tapenade Tip #2
A spoonful of Spread-mmms olive tapenade will make an ordinary omelette taste amazing! Just grab...
Pro tip! Pre-cut your kale. Eat greens all week.
Do you ever buy greens from the farmers market (or grocery) and then let them hang out in the fr...
Used leftover homemade enchilada sauce, cherry tomatoes and some cheese to make a Mexican Shashuka!
Simple clean-out-the-fridge quinoa salad with feta cheese, avocado, sun-dried tomatoes, cucumber, mixed olives and chopped fresh mint.
A squeeze of lemon juice and drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to finish off #nofoodwaste
Hubby always makes me breakfast in bed/sofa/kitchen on Sunday.
Organic free range egg scramble, heirloom tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms, spinach and local cheddar...
juice bar to chicken coop
Our heritage breed chickens love the leftover organic carrot and kale/spinach/dandelion greens pu...
Vegan green goddess. Favorite thing to do with leftover herbs! #NoFoodWaste
Radish leaves saved for tonight's pasta (with fresh peas, garlic and chanterelles).