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OkCupid for unwanted fruits and veg: tech joins the fight against food waste | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian
"A crop of web and mobile developers from Silicon Valley and beyond are stopping blemished produc...
Lentils, cauliflower, arugula with roasted grapes
My kinda juice detox
Aids in weight loss Facilitates digestion Boosts hydration Reduces blood pressure Rich in nutr...
Rawsome Meetup #MeatlessMonday
"If you're new to eating a vegan diet, it can be challenging to find a balance between being soci...
Busboys and Poets
Scored all of this for just £4.25 yesterday. 4 Hereford beef burgers, stir fry veg, kiwis, 2 eggplants, #fairtrade bananas. #nofoodwaste
A shopkeeper at my local co-op noticed I shopped for daily markdowns, and told me to come in arou...
Do you have a good food pun?? We want to know.
It's time to make some new Foodstand #foodpun stickers, so we're asking YOU Foodstanders to submi...
U.K. grocer embraces 'wonky' veg to trim waste | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
Veg out - Sunday meal prepping with Matt!
Catch my weekly snapisodes every Sunday on Snapchat: username is "forevasho"
Last night's dinner: black bean burger wrapped in collard greens with spinach, manchego, mushrooms, and guac from Bareburger
Extra greens!!
Bareburger UWS
Spaghetti & Beetballs!
We got some beautiful Detroit dark red beets & Shiitake mushrooms in our CSA this week. So I deci...