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Healthy Eating at an Event
Eat the salmon or grilled chicken at events along with a side of veggies. Skip the bread or other...
Day 2
A toaster waffle makeover!
Ditch the butter and syrup and try this version, which is far lower in sugar and saturated fat bu...
Sunday night leftover-makeover
What to do with leftover shredded cabbage, the last of the season's cherry tomatoes from the gard...
A quick and simple way to enjoy lentils
Eating more beans and lentils is a wonderful way to get more fiber and nutrients. A lentil salad ...
Apple roses for Valentine’s Day!
My mom made these delicious apple roses with store bought puff pastry, apricot jam, and honey cri...
Using leftovers makes plant-based eating easy and delicious!
Elevating a plain lettuce and tomato salad with leftover tricolor quinoa and leftover chickpeas, ...
Another lentil salad!
A common challenge: Eating plant based on vacation... I've turned that into a fun opportunity rather than a challenge -
I look forward to finding and trying plant based friendly eateries everywhere we travel. Our fami...
Microgreens on top of this lentil salad added so much flavor and crunch!
I'm so glad the farmers market in town is open again. I found these delicious cilantro microgreen...