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Catering Boca Raton FL
7yr Boca Raton, FL
"Learn about the premier service for catering in Boca Raton FL. If you need the utmost in caterin...
"Learn about the premier service for catering in Boca Raton FL. If you need the utmost in catering South Florida, then let us cater your next special event."
how can i use a free pass?
  • Udi Hi @leonie for this type of challenge the free passes are automatic. On any day in which you don't hit your target of 8, a free pass will automatically be deducted. You'll see a dark gray...
  • leonie yes thy very much! @Udi
Getting innovative with leftovers! 💡
Spaghetti squash, roasted Brussels sprouts, beets, walnuts, & goat cheese
Spaghetti squash, roasted Brussels sprouts, beets, walnuts, & goat cheese
Interested in cleaning up my diet to mainly include: Rice, beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, veg, fruits.Love Dr. McDougall Starch Solution
Please reach out if you follow Starch Solution or have additional info on this lifestyle including pros, cons, recipes, nutritional info.
I need tips on how to avoid sweets when you have to be in the same room as them for a long time.
In Jazz class, the teacher always has sweets and its hard to say no when the table is right next to the piano (where i have to sit) for the entire class period. Any tips on how to tell myself to sa...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Gosh, that sounds like torture! But rest assured, we have some ideas for you. First, you can ask the teacher to either move the candy bowl or put it away during class. When it's out of sight, it's...
  • jazzwave Thank you so much!!!!
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter When I was studying nutrition, my professors were nerdy and brought us apple slices and carrot sticks. For your situation, I'd suggest that you ask your teacher if you could bring (or make...
See all 7 comments...
Dad's tomatoes on fleek
My dad started his tomatoes from plants the size of his hand and now look at them!
My dad started his tomatoes from plants the size of his hand and now look at them!
9 Ways To Get More Energy That Have Nothing To Do With Sleep
"Tired of being tired? We feel ya. Back away from burnout with nine not-so-secret solutions for m...
"Tired of being tired? We feel ya. Back away from burnout with nine not-so-secret solutions for more energy daily - plus essential tips for that extra-fatiguing time of the month..."
Need a meal to warm you up quick?
Roasted curried butternut squash & broccoli with harissa spiced tofu & a lemony hummus sauce
Roasted curried butternut squash & broccoli with harissa spiced tofu & a lemony hummus sauce
Tyson chicken nuggets recalled because of possible plastic.
"Tyson foods is voluntarily recalling more than 130,000 pounds of cooked chicken nuggets because ...
"Tyson foods is voluntarily recalling more than 130,000 pounds of cooked chicken nuggets because they may contain hard plastic, the USDA said Tuesday."
The Art of Packing Lunch: Six Nutrition-Boosting Tips
"One way to take care of yourself and your family is to pack beautiful and balanced lunches—gifts...
"One way to take care of yourself and your family is to pack beautiful and balanced lunches—gifts you make by hand to be unwrapped throughout the day."