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I got this delicious pepperoni puff pastry from Boomerang’s this morning. I walked every isle of the grocery store near my house to find the healthy food I’ve bought from other stores that I loved!...
Day 1/1: Avoid Fast Food Level I
Day 1/1: Avoid Fast Food Level I
  • annefood I'm so glad you're doing the Avoid Fast Food Challenge @naturalnewbie ! And finding something at the store as opposed to eating at a fast food restaurant is an excellent choice because you can look...
9 Refreshing Alternatives to Drink Instead of Soda | Everyday Health
Great advice here! “Do you always reach for a soda when thirst hits? Try these nine tasty alterna...
Great advice here! “Do you always reach for a soda when thirst hits? Try these nine tasty alternatives to soda for healthier drink options."
Marinara Sauce
Do you count marinara sauce in your fruits and veggies?
  • annefood Hey @ShawnCramer - only if you’re consuming a lot of it (think bowl of tomato soup). Tomatoey marinara is awesome but usually we only have a few tablespoons of it which wouldn’t count as a whole...
  • ShawnCramer Thank you!
Lots of water instead
Day 1/3: Avoid Soda Level II
I replaced my after dinner snack with sliced banana and strawberries and I felt refreshed and light once I went to bed! 😉
msantiago's post
  • annefood Such a great choice! Keep up the great work!
Missed check in
The app said I missed a check in yesterday but I didn't. It gave me the you are amazing yesterday and everything. How do I get that fixed? I want my streak!
See all 4 comments...
Healthy Eating at the Stock Show?
Thinking about my trip to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo on Monday and preparing myself ment...
Thinking about my trip to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo on Monday and preparing myself mentally and strategically to not break my streak of healthy eating choices! Take a look! Great tips h...
Avoid sweets
I was kind addict on sweet things and in the beginning to make the challenge easier I decided to buy and eat a lot of types of fruits such as watermelon and grapes. It helped a lot!
  • annefood Congrats @Giullia ! Fruit is my favorite substitution for sweets and added sugar!
8 glasses a day! I fill two 32oz. water bottles with filtered water the night before and I'm ready to drink them anywhere I go!
Mexican cuisine is a perfect way to pack in your veggies. We had veggie and bean quinoa salad, corn and squash empanadas, and tostadas!
Day 9/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV

Plus of course, homemade margarita...
Day 9/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV Plus of course, homemade margaritas, which have very little added sugar :)
  • annefood Yes please! Yum! Also, love the margarita footnote 😂 Very true- real margaritas are so different than the nasty mixer stuff that's so common.