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bluewolf3666's post
How do i avoid sweets candy etc. If i have a lot of them in my house ?
  • justinponeill Throw them away or "gift" them to someone else when you end up or someone else's house (As long as they aren't open yet).
  • nikkipayne21 That's always hard. I struggle with the same problem. But I just have to remind myself what I want more. I want to be healthier and my body will feel awful afterwards
  • davisaa It's tough to get started but once you cut them from your diet you'll lose the craving and eventually be able to avoid them completely! Good luck!
See all 8 comments...
Do you compost? I'm amazed at how quickly it breaks down!
That squash isn't something I tossed- it grew out of my compost pile!
That squash isn't something I tossed- it grew out of my compost pile!
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What did everyone have for dinner tonight?! I made salmon, green beans and cous cous. Feeling very healthy :)
  • Cgsmile I made chicken breasts lightly seasoned on grill, salad , corn and fresh mango and pineapple.
  • eemawolf I had squash with chicken and broclli
  • AlexB I made mahi mahi with veggies and had watermelon for dessert. The watermelon saved me. πŸ˜€
See all 10 comments...
Flint Water Response Perfectly Captures The Difference Between Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton
"Flint's mayor endorsed Clinton on Tuesday." This article is from a month back but I'm curious as...
"Flint's mayor endorsed Clinton on Tuesday." This article is from a month back but I'm curious as to what Flint residents think about the two political candidates responses on the ground. Obviously...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Ya this is so true... I hope they talk about food policy soon because I feel like the responses may fall into the same camp. I'm not sure what "pragmatic" vs. lofty looks like in terms of food...
  • sugardetoxme @Rachna and from someone in Michigan
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yep... It's such a disgrace what's happening. Makes me only worry about the stuff we don't know yet
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I crave sugar all the time especially in the afternoon. This craving can only be stopped with chocolate. Suggest an alternative
  • mefisher If you really want chocolate but you are doing the sugar free challenge, try sugar free dark chocolate chips. It really helped me when I was doing no sugar added. ...
  • mefisher It has stevia which I think you're supposed to stay away from, but it's really not that bad for you (plus I don't really get that rule - I found it impossible to deny cravings for that long, and...
  • annefood Hey @ManyaModi ! Unfortunately the best way to stop craving sugar is to stop eating it. Eating chocolate to satisfy your craving won't help get rid of the cravings long term. The first week might...
See all 4 comments...
Soda Substitute: What's a good substitute for soda? What drinks?
  • Lotta I drink water and sometimes put fruit and berries in it :) Sparkling water seems to be a popular alternative, but I personally hate the taste :D
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @RegannePreece - I totally agree with @Lotta. Putting frozen fruit in water or sparkling water is a great way to add flavor without added sugar. I also like hot cinnamon tea. The cinnamon has...
  • bananazen92 Usually, when looking for alternatives to soda, I turn to tea, fruit/vegetable water, apple cider, plain water, flavored water, or even hot chocolate. There are many different types of tea that...
Denmark Considers Beef Tax to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions | SAVEUR
Do you think something like this would ever pass in the US?
  • sugardetoxme With our meat lobby and decreasing meat consumption???
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yea I can only imagine the backlash that would come from all sides. I just remember when the who or some other org released info that bacon may cause cancer - mass uproar!
Come to the Farm to City Expo 2016! The theme is "the new marketplace: local food in emerging markets"
8yr Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
This event is hosted by the NY State Department of Ag. Fellow Foodstander @LaVacheQuiRi will also be there!
  • sugardetoxme Welcome to the community and thanks for posting!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Great discussion happening about the real challenges facing restaurants and new distribution in sourcing locally. Baldor and fresh connection are filling a gap
25% off Zia Green Chile Company for all online orders
"Roasted New Mexico Hatch Green Chile and Red Chile." @ziagreenchileco  presented recently at Foo...
"Roasted New Mexico Hatch Green Chile and Red Chile." @ziagreenchileco presented recently at Foodstand Spotlight and is offering 25% off. HIGHLY recommend this stuff. One of the only brands featur...