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More Moosewood munchies 😊
French fish packet with roasted cauliflower salad
French fish packet with roasted cauliflower salad
Mindfulness is key - to allowing treats without going overboard into a binge!!
Day 2/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
This challenge called out to me!
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a ...
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a bad habit but never enough to change it. At level 4 now , it's not getting easier , but I'm having a...
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Veggies for days.
Juliaehale's post
Lentils are absolutely delicious & a great source of plant powered protein!
Green lentils, onion, celery, garlic, roasted cauliflower, and lemon
Green lentils, onion, celery, garlic, roasted cauliflower, and lemon
Sushi Saturday
7yr Ocean Sushi
marynfulton2's post
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Day 4/5: Cook Dinner More Often Level II
Day 4/5: Cook Dinner More Often Level II
Low Sugar Blueberry Pie
My littlest California cousins provide a healthy feast!
My littlest California cousins provide a healthy feast!
Healthy Burger !
akash's post
Market flowers (for your boo)
Market flowers (for your boo)