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Bloody Mary with fresh yellow tomato juice, saffron, rosemary and a carrot. All in season now in ...
Park Hyatt Milan
First time ordering out this year. Still keeping it healthy-- post work out -- quinoa, hummus, veggie wrap and a protein shake ❤️Dinner will of course be cooked 😊
Day 4/30: Cook Dinner More Often Level V
Bay Club San Francisco
Met this lady at the market who suggested using fiddleheads to make pizza. Soak them in water for...
Dinner last night - bowl magic!
Day 3/7: Eat Real Food Level II Cooked up lentils and quinoa for the week and added carrots, aru...
Resisted all this unhealthy food while I was completely surrounded with it! Feeling good!! Positivity is the secret!!
Can I make several challenges at a time?
Sugar Free Breakfast
Try making a smoothie in the morning using fruits or veggies to avoid sugar. You also wind up con...
If kale and Brussels sprouts had a baby this is what it would look like. Kale sprouts @unsqgreenm...
Union Square Greenmarket
Union Fare in union square had a surprisingly tasty chicken with kale salad. Looks like perfect allocation of 50% veggies 🎉
Team dinner with @annefood and @Udi
Union Fare
need help
need someone to do the avoid sweets challenge with me for 7 days