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10 Quick Steps to Implementing a Mindful Eating Practice
Foodstand team member Anne (you know her as @annefood) wrote this wonderful article on mindful ea...
Day 1 of 30. Remembering that this is NOT a (temporary or other) diet: it is a focus on healthy habits without deprivation 😇
Day 1/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V
Day 2/14: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level III
What are your thoughts on CSAs?
As a farmer I both love running a CSA program and also stress out about it at times. Joining a CS...
Another candid review of Juicero - Who comes up with a $700 Wi-Fi-connected juicer? | The Verge
Much has been discussed about the $700 juice machine. Many have invested, others have poked holes...
how can i resist temptation?
Juicero: The Maker of the Infamous $400 Juicer Is Shutting Down |
"Juicero is now looking for a buyer."
New food of the week: Pomelo! Like a grapefruit but much sweeter. What new food are you trying this week??
The most radical thing the Black Panthers did was give kids free breakfast - Vox
"Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover called the Panthers "the greatest threat to internal securit...
💖 Brunch. Happy love day!
Tip: Always eat real colors. Skip processed and have fun with the food on your plate.
Health & Yoga w/Seema