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You may be surprised how well this works! It's so easy to grab food and eat standing up or on the...
Beautiful purple sweet potatoes, baked with brown za'atar, sea salt, and lime juice. Not in the p...
Using leftovers makes plant-based eating easy and delicious!
Elevating a plain lettuce and tomato salad with leftover tricolor quinoa and leftover chickpeas, ...
Another lentil salad!
A quick and simple way to enjoy lentils
Eating more beans and lentils is a wonderful way to get more fiber and nutrients. A lentil salad ...
We know it's a bit early to put up jam but before you know it we'll be awash in
Microgreens on top of this lentil salad added so much flavor and crunch!
I'm so glad the farmers market in town is open again. I found these delicious cilantro microgreen...
New York City Cricket Crawl
Ant salt, anyone? More on bugs as food. #foodnews
Celebrity endorsements of food and drinks show that 80%+ are for junk food.
I knew the number was high, but this is pretty sad. I'm sure part of the issue is that healthier ...
An unexpectedly scrumptious snack
Spring is here! Simple roasted asparagus is a special treat. Roast a bunch and keep in the fridge...