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#nofoodwaste Strawberry chips for breakfast are a good start into the day. What kinds of fruit chips would you make? Recipe on the blog💚♻️
kale & couscous breakfast bowl with egg | Jackie Newgent
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN" #NoFoodWaste
#meatlessmonday #nofoodwaste creation of muttia - a traditional Gujarati dish made with zucchini and cilantro - stems included!
This is a super healthy alternative to meat substitutes, with a zucchini base. First, shred 2 squ...
Putting sugar on them for additional sweetness. Just a little tip: cut the slices extra thin for faster drying and less oven power. 💚🌱♻️
Takeover Tuesday today: These strawberries are spoiling so quickly. This calls for strawberry chips! In the making ♻️🌱💚 #nofoodwaste
Switching up tabbouleh thanks to the Zahav cookbook! Keep the dressing separate and this salad will last for days!
Wrinkly cucumber? Try this quick and cooling soup just in time for summer, from my latest blog post.
Last almost spoiling breads topped with hummus, greens, almost spoiling tomatoes and pine nuts.check out more #nofoodwaste tips on my blog😋
Omnjom, leftover veggies in Asia noodles with Hoisin sauce, made by the boyfriend. His #nofoodwaste engagement is getting better 😄
Don't waste those veggies, repurpose them! #savetheveggiesusetheveggies
Orange Lake