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My no added sugar breakfast - plain yogurt with no sugar muesli topped with almonds. Super filling and took 10 seconds to make!
Friday Inspiration: A Program We Should All Be Aware Of -- Food Hero
Soooo impressed by the progress Oregon State University has made with their Food Hero social medi...
Maximising satisfaction (and not mindless eating) means choosing the food you really want to eat. Not just whatever's there 😊
Day 11/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V
Turkey tail mushrooms for medical teas.
We vote with our forks all year long, but come Tuesday, November 8th—be sure to vote with your ba...
Everything you know about healthy food is a lie | Fox News
"In September, the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Internal Medicine publication re...
Thanks @munchiemummy for the cod recipe! This is a great 1 pot dish for veggies, no sugar, and no meat
Myths Stripped | Eating Carbs at Night Makes You Fat
"Myths Stripped | Eating Carbs at Night Makes You Fat is a myth busting post about the science an...
The Ultimate Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep
"The Ultimate Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep is a guide to getting better sleep now including...
Study Hall: A good night's sleep may prevent overeating | Well+Good
"Researchers found that sleep-deprived people consumed 549 more calories per day than those who g...