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A common challenge: Eating plant based on vacation... I've turned that into a fun opportunity rather than a challenge -
I look forward to finding and trying plant based friendly eateries everywhere we travel. Our fami...
Any healthy/no sugar added pizza alternatives/recipes?! This is the fifth pizza to tempt me in less than a week!
Just started the three fruit and veg challenge
It's my third try and fail on level 3 for eating fruits and veggies. How do you guys do it? I am determined to conquer this!!
Juice!! Good or bad!?
I kw that fruit juice is not the best option, cuz it's fiber free and full of sugar.. So how abo...
Need advice: good veg beef stew recipe?
I have tried (and failed) multiple times to create a good, beef and vegetable stew that is more v...
How to combat sugar cravings?
Interested in cleaning up my diet to mainly include: Rice, beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, veg, fruits.Love Dr. McDougall Starch Solution
Please reach out if you follow Starch Solution or have additional info on this lifestyle includin...
Rawsome Meetup #MeatlessMonday
"If you're new to eating a vegan diet, it can be challenging to find a balance between being soci...
Busboys and Poets
Fresh pasta is a great way to use up the last bits of veg in the fridge #nofoodwaste
I had 3 assorted #wild mushrooms, a few leaves of #local spinach and a splash of white wine left ...